Monday, November 28, 2011


The writer was a Jew and a prisoner in his own land.  He had strayed from his God’s teachings.  But now he was asking for God’s help in overcoming his enemies and saving his land.  He wanted back in God’s graces.

This scenario resembles many aspects of our country today.  Many think we have strayed from God and have lost our way.  There seems to be grumblings from every corner – from the PTA meetings to the White House.  Even the church isn’t exempt from this.

However, the church is the perfect place to begin to build a strong family unit.  A true commitment to Jesus will give us the peace we long for and the strength to withstand the constant drain on our emotions.  Here are a few things we can do to commit to serve Him better.

A.       Thank God everyday for his blessings and pray His guidance in all that you do.

B.       Make every effort to be at church assemblies and activities.  Remember that
wherever 2 or more are gathered, He is there also.

C.       Make every effort to be actively involved in at least ONE area of the church.  He wants you to use the talent given you (and yes, you DO have one!)

D.       Make a conscience effort to understand the items that our government leaders are promoting and vote for the best Christian leadership possible.

Commitment is what makes every endeavor successful – it’s almost impossible without it!

Thank you for all the blessing you have given us.  Please give us the commitment to show others the strength, power, and peace that following you can give them.  In Christ’s name we pray….Amen

Bill Cope

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