Wednesday, November 30, 2011


This passage of the Gospel of Luke contains warnings to his disciples about what will take place after his death and resurrection.  His advice to them of the end of the age.  And, his sudden coming should not catch them (the disciples) unaware.

Verses 34-36.  Watch out, be careful.  This is a loving warning.  As Christians we can get caught up in day to day meaningless things.  Our focus is off, we forget about our Christian duties.  We need to be on our toes and be focusing on things that are important as followers of Jesus, until his coming.

Verse 37.  Crowds of people gathered to hear Jesus each morning.  We as Christians should begin our day in prayer in order to be ready and eager to show  and tell others what Jesus says

Verse 38.  In the evening after speaking to the crowds he would return to the Mount of Olives.  There he would pray to God and become refueled for the next day.  As Christians we should follow the same pattern as Jesus in our lives.

Holy Father, Help us to be faithful followers until the day Jesus returns.  Amen

Ann Loftin

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