Sunday, December 16, 2012

A Lesson from The Book of Psalms

In about 520 BC the Jews had returned from exile in Babylon.  God had been angry with his people and they had been in exile for 70 years, but now they were able to return to Jerusalem and the places near it.  However, after a few years, things were bad for them and they had not built God’s House (the temple) again.  They had to wonder, will God be angry with us forever?  The answer was no, but they must not turn again to folly. 

I have to wonder, is the Old Testament story of Psalm 85 a wake-up call for us?  Like the Jews some 26 centuries ago our country has turned many times from good times to bad and from war to peace.  Each time our people faced such challenges, they worked, fought and yes, prayed together to overcome the problem.  Each time our Christian Nation survived and prospered.

Now, at a time when our nation faces not only very serious financial and international security problems we find ourselves faced with a divided populace, much of whom have turned away from God.  This challenge will require a combined effort of Christians working and praying together to point the way for others to follow.

Prayer:  Turn us, O LORD, and lead us in the paths of righteousness.  In His name we pray, Amen.

Arch Brashears

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