Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Jesus as King

The first question Pilate asks Jesus when he summoned him was, “are you the king of the Jews?”  Jesus answers this question with a question.  “Is that your own idea or did others talk to you about me?”  Pilate’s reply reveals his pride and why he made such a bad governor.  “Am I a Jew?  How do you expect me to know anything about Jewish affairs?”  Pilate refused to learn about the very people he was governing.  No one can govern a people if he makes no attempt to understand them and to enter into their thoughts and minds. 

Jesus goes on to say that he is a King but his kingdom is not of this world.  How wonderful it is to know Jesus as our Lord and King.  He knows our everyday struggles, problems, concerns and joys because he became human and lived among us.  Jesus is also an infinite spirit and as such, knows our thoughts and minds and is always with us.  Though, he is King of the Universe, Jesus is totally accessible to us.  How many of you have ever met or talked to a King, or in our case, the president?  Even dignitaries must go through red tape and protocol to meet with the President.  Yet, Jesus is always available and welcomes our talks.

Prayer:  Our Father, how blessed we are to have a King who has lived among us, who knows our thoughts, who loves us and who welcomes our presence.  Thank you for being our King, Amen.

Ron Corley 

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