Saturday, December 8, 2012


When I started reading the seldom read scripture of Zephaniah and studying about the prophet, I became aware that he was directing his words, not so much at the common people, but more towards the upper class, the royalty and those that surrounded them.  These were the people who were putting God aside and devoting themselves to amassing fortunes of earthly things, fine homes, silver and gold, high living and immoral activities.  Sounds very much like our world today.  Zephaniah prophesies the coming of the Day of the Lord.  And tells these people that God will destroy their cities, their homes, their fortunes and themselves.  However, he ends with explaining what will happen to those who have heeded God’s call and humbled themselves to obey His commandments.  These will be spared and will be given honor and praise.  They will be God’s children and He will be their God.

Christians today have the same promise if we but accept God and His Son, Jesus.  Not only can we live a life of peace knowing that whatever happens, we are loved by Him, but also have the promise of life everlasting in His Kingdom.

Prayer:  Most Holy God, we pray that your way will be accepted by the people of this earth and we do not get caught up in the act of amassing fortunes here on earth and allow our hearts to turn against You.

Charles Boyd

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