Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Power of Responsibility

It’s quite amazing how Elijah was one of only two people recorded in scripture who didn’t die the natural way an average person dies. He received a miracle. He was “carried by a whirlwind into heaven”. It’s also incredible to consider God’s messenger sweeping down from heaven with chariots and horses of fire without his friend Elisha’s being hurt or killed. Elijah had just performed a miracle—dividing the water of the Jordan River so the two friends could walk across on dry land. Elisha wanted to receive this power, and he did receive it later as he was able to divide the Jordan’s waters just as he’d witnessed Elijah dividing them.
These verses from 2 Kings show that God is concerned about us and listens to our requests. We can want something very much and not realize the hard times we may have to endure waiting until we are able to receive that something. With our gift, there may be a responsibility we’re required to bear. We may feel anxiety about it as Elisha must have felt before he repeated the miracle Elijah performed using his cloak to divide the Jordan River. Elisha wanted more power. He received his request! As soon as he received this tremendous gift, he was asked to solve the problem of bad water in the city of Jericho. He used his powerful gift to heal the waters of Jericho and served as the agent of God using that holy power for good. It reminds us of the New Testament verses which say “to whom much is given, much will be required”.

Our prayer is that as you ask for “gifts” God will grant you the strength and wisdom to shoulder the responsibility that will surely come with their use. Amen

Rod and Denise Linzman

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