Friday, December 9, 2011

Strive for the goal

Are Christians always happy, good, wholesome, fulfilled, spiritual, close to Christ, kind and wise?  No, of course not.  Christians are human and we are sinners.  But people of faith can strive to know and understand Jesus and have a goal of living a Christ-like life.

In these verses, Paul talks about how his past works and achievements did not lead him to salvation and they did not make him right with God.  I think Paul is saying this: we should strive for the goal of moving away from the past and moving toward Christ.  We know we’ll never achieve Christ-like lives, but if we keep our minds and hearts open to Christ and keep striving for that goal, we’ll continually get closer.

So too is it with our lives in general.  We all have a past we want to leave behind.  Many of us have lived our life in ways that were not good for us or appealing to God.  We want to change and know that change is hard, but we strive to do it so we can live happier and more fulfilling lives.  This change doesn’t happen overnight, but is a process with a goal.

Paul’s past accomplishments did not make him right with God; just as our past mistakes and sins do not make us wrong with God.  When we pursue the goal of understanding Christ and seek the spiritual prize, we will know joy, usefulness and peace and have a closer relationship with Christ.

Prayer: God, forgive our selfish ways.  Please help us to not look backward, but to continually seek our goal of a spirit filled life that is pleasing to you.

Rod Smith

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